Annual Report 2021

We Mean Business at a Glance

Our milestones


Science-Based Targets launched – H&M, Nestle and BT commit.

The Coalition aligns on 8 policy asks for COP21 that business will advocate for Coalition policy ‘asks’ cited in the final text of the Paris Agreement.

Christiana Figueres cites the Coalition & the business voice as a key determinant in securing successful Agreement.


SBTi passes 150 committed companies.

1,000 commitments to bold climate action from the biggest companies achieved.

‘We Are Still In’ pledge signed by hundreds of US companies days after Trump elected.


EV100 launched – ten leading companies commit (incl. DHL, HP. Unilever, and Vattenfall).


Coalition realigns around 1.5ºC – in response to IPCC report.

Coalition reorganises around systems approach – economies, power, transport, built environment.

39% year-on-year increase in SBTi commitments from business – 17% of Fortune Global 500.


RE100 surpasses 200 members, driving 220 TWh of renewable electricity demand.

Coalition’s 5th anniversary with 1,000 companies committed to action (25% global GDP).

Coalition letter from 120 UK companies to PM Theresa May key factor in UK’s net-zero 2050 commitment.


Coalition leads on build back better narrative. 1,200 businesses globally advocate for governments to ‘Build Back Better’ from covid-19 with a green recovery.

Business across the EU calls for leaders to raise NDC ambition – Ursula von der Leyen references business backing letter in State of Union speech.


Over 400 US businesses sign Coalition organised letter calling for an ambitious US NDC., which Secretary Kerry acknowledges and US government adopts. 600 companies commit to setting emissions reduction targets in line with 1.5ºC. More than 3,000 companies commit to net zero through WMBC initiatives. The Coalition becomes a core member of Mission Possible Partnership and launches the SME Climate Hub.